I hear you and I completely understand. But if I knew I could heal my DR the right way from the beginning, I only wished I can go back in time. I wouldn't have taken forever to heal my own DR first and foremost, the money that was spent in physiotherapist, massage therapist that I now know really didn't do much. Luckily, I didn't spend $10K on the DR surgery.
Just imagine the day you sitting by the pool and sipping your favorite drink, "I did it! I did it!. I am feeling so good! It worked way better than I ever thought it could. Thank you, my name for trusting in myself."
So if you are a little scared, that is completely normal. It just means you are taking your well-being seriously. You are committed to yourself and for your family. But let me reassure you that fear is the path to your health goal.
And besides, if you need a little extra assurance, remember our "No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee" I mentioned in another question. You literally have nothing to lose.