THe Most effective  1 on 1
Transformation program

Trusted by program's clients: Doula, Chiropractor, Women Health Physiotherapist, Nurse, and Medical Professional
Why Do You Still Look PregnantWatch this quick video.

O For Postpartum Moms regardless of diastasis 
O For Any Moms With diastasis 


Here's Just a Few transformation pics of some of our beautiful & lovely mamas!


Here's Just a Few transformation pics of some of our beautiful & lovely mamas!

Hi, there! I'm Becky
Certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, with a passion in diastasis recti and a real mom who has experienced severe DR twice.

I had a 4.5 fingers wide and 2 knuckles deep across all regions on my stomach, and I was also 25 lbs overweight. It was painful to look at myself in the mirror. One day, I decided it was time to change. I lost over 35lbs within 5 months and gained a functional core.

Today, I teach new moms or moms with ab separation how to get rid of this mom pooch while doing the exercises they enjoy.
Hi, there! I'm Becky
Certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, with a passion in diastasis recti and a real mom who has experienced severe DR twice.

I had a 4.5 fingers wide and 2 knuckles deep across all regions on my stomach, and I was also 25 lbs overweight. It was painful to look at myself in the mirror. One day, I decided it was time to change. I lost over 35lbs within 5 months and gained a functional core.

Today, I teach moms with ab separation on how to get rid of this mom pooch while doing the exercises they enjoy.


This is the most complete Diastasis and Postpartum Exercise Training customized coaching Program

What you will get with The Tummy Warrior™ Coaching program

  •  This is NOT a do-it-yourself / figure-it-on-your own subscription program. You work and converse with Becky directly.* Think as personal trainer in your pocket.
  • ​Progressive, customized postpartum training, designed for you based on your needs and abilities.
  • Comprehensive assessments to check your core strength, posture, fitness level, overall goals and tailor the program to fit your needs. 
  • A fitness app outlining what you need to complete each day, check mark your progress.
  • 1-on-1 “Unstuck” video calls and message check-ins to keep you motivated and consistent.
  • ​Corrective exercise feedback to ensure you do your exercises properly — no wasting time. 
  • ​Bloat-reducing strategy and nutrition plans designed for omnivore, vegetarian or vegan diets, while keeping your milk supply. 
  • ​Access to the exclusive Tummy Warrior community for small, private community support from moms just like you.
* FULL TRANSPARENCY. Due to the high touch point in nature, and Becky works and converse directly with her client 1 on 1 for maximum and quickest result. She limits to taking 25 clients MAX. Once it's full, she stops taking clients.

Backed by our 100% Flatter-Tummy Guarantee

If at the end of the program, you are not seeing a flatter tummy, you are not losing inches, and you don't feel stronger than before. You are 100% backed by our guarantee.

*participation condition required and will be disclosed in our call.

IS The Tummy Warrior™ Method A GOOD FIT FOR YOU?


  • You feel frustrated and limiting by your body.
  • ​You want workout and nutrition that works for moms, not random stuff.
  • You value your sanity and time. Instead of "giving it a try", you're ready to go all-in. 
  • ​You want to learn from a mom and certified postpartum and diastasis recti specialist who has been in your shoes. 
  • ​You are done doing the "DIY" program, you want to reach your goals in the most reasonable time. 


  • You are not that serious about reaching your fitness and health goals.
  • You're looking for something free or cheap to see it if works first. (There are plenty on my YT)
  • ​You are not coachable, and you're not willing to put in the necessary work.
  • ​You’re just looking for toned abs. It's not impossible, and never too late after babies, but it will take time, patience and a TW foundation first. Your core can't heal without proper training techniques.  (Read FAQ below)
Almost Complete...

Let's get started with a free call. 
Answer a few questions and book a time here that suits your schedule.


Frequently Asked Questions
 Can diastasis heal on its own?  
Typically, natural healing without exercises occurs within 6 weeks after childbirth. If you still experience a bulging belly and diastasis recti by the 3rd month postpartum, the chances of spontaneous healing become slim. It's essential to note that with each subsequent pregnancy, the core tends to become looser, especially if you haven't healed it before conceiving again.
 how early postpartum can i start TW?
If there is no complication from childbirth, there is no abnormal bleeding, or other conditions, and most importantly you are feeling good and ready for some light exercises and nutrition guidance, then you can start as early as 6 weeks. We will discuss about your official start date on our free consultation call. Please click the button below and book a time.
How do I know if I have diastasis recti?
You can talk to a physiotherapist specializing in women’s health for a diagnosis, but you can also check for yourself if you think you may have diastasis recti.
Diastasis recti by the gap and depth of fingers. My own was 4.5 fingers wide and 2 knuckles deep. Lie on the floor and lift your head up, place your hand above your belly button and see if you can fit fingers in the gaps between your muscles.

Some signs you may have diastasis recti:
You still look like you’re pregnant, months or even years after giving birth
Back pain
Wetting yourself
A weak core, leaving you unable to perform movements you once did with ease
 What is the time commitment for Tummy Warrior? 
Rest assured, it is absolutely do-able, we will design it based on your lifestyle.

Among the moms I've worked with, there are those with three kids under four, busy lawyers, teachers, nurses, moms of twins and triplets, and others handling a toddler and a newborn, all running on little sleep. Does that sound familiar?

Workouts are usually 20 to 35 minutes long a day, 4-5 times a week.

Remember, it's okay to prioritize yourself. This journey goes beyond aesthetics; it's about your health, empowerment, and gaining the confidence to be your best self in all aspects of life.
  what if diastasis recti is left untreated? 
No one can guarantee what will happen! When you have the ab separation, it translates to a weak core. The degree of weakness depends on how severe your diastasis recti is.

The core is the center of your body, and you need to use it every day. Think of using your injured arm, if you are using it despite its injury, you will likely make your arm worse. Same with the core, you have to constantly use it to:

Lift your child up.
Lift the carseat.
Chase your toddler.
Get on and off the floor.
Bend to change the diaper, to bath your baby.

Without a healthy core, you could injure the muscles/tissues/organs that help compensate for the movement, such as your back, spine, intestine, and pelvic floor, thus drastically decrease the quality of life.

Also, you must address the root cause if you want to have a flat belly. Your core can't heal without proper training and techniques. No matter how long you are postpartum, it's never too late to heal, improve and strengthen your core.
How much weight will i lose?
Our clients usually see 0.5 to 1.5 lbs per week in steady weigh loss even if you are breastfeeding. 
How much does the Tw COaching program cost?
Everyone's postpartum body is unique. When you schedule your complimentary strategy call, we'll assess if Tummy Warrior is the right program for you. Once we determine it's the right fit, we'll discuss the plan and pricing. Payment plan options available.  We have program starting at $500 USD.

I encourage you to look at this as an investment rather than an expense. You are investing in your health and well-being so you have the health to enjoy life without back pain, leaking, and a weak core. As a busy mom, finding the time might be challenging, leading to inconsistency and lack of motivation. We can help reduce your time and frustration, that's how you will get result.
  Do you offer money-back guarantee?
Yes, we take pride in what we do, and you will be backed by our 100% money back guarantee, participation required. We'd be happy to share the details with you on our call. 
  Do I need specialised equipment?
The Tummy Warrior program is designed for you to do at home with simple equipment including resistance loops, and a pair of medium and heavy dumbbells. However, you do not need equipment in the first 1-2 months.
Should i go for surgery or do tw program?
That's completely up to you. Here are a few pointers for you.


1. risk of surgery, complication and infection
2. experience of the surgeon, your diligent research is a must
3. recovery time (3 to 6 months), be prepared for childcare
4. pain tolerance. Tummy tuck is an extensive surgery.
5. regular exercises/ rehab will be needed because you need to build strength in your core muscles
6. cost, $10,000+ depending on locations and surgeon's experience and any health care coverage.
7. possible follow up procedures, and trips to the hospital
8. If you plan to have another baby future, it's best to wait until you finish having babies.

TW coaching program:

1. time and commitment is needed which is about 35 minutes a day
2. it can take a few months before you see visible physical results

  What if I have a hernia? Can I still join this program?
If your hernia is asymptomatic and doesn't bother you then you’re still able to complete this program. Please remember you cannot heal a hernia, it can only be surgically removed. You can protect your hernia by strengthening your core so it won't be worsened, and my program can help you achieve that. 
  What if I have a uterine prolapse? Can I still join this program?
Uterine prolapse is graded by its severity which is determined by how far the uterus has descended from 1st grade to the 4th grade. If your condition is 1st grade and you have already consulted a health professional for a treatment plan, we will consider taking you, but that will be determined during our free consultation.
  Will i have a flat stomach?
I can’t guarantee you a flat stomach in any amount of time. Everyone’s starting point is different.

Here are the changes you can confidently expect to see in your body in the time we work together

>> A flatter tummy and slimmer waist
>> A core so strong your kids can jump on it (and you'll feel zero pain)
>> Shed extra baby weight
>> Reduce embarrassing leaking
>> Improve overall posture while relieving back pain
>> Flood your body with energy (The kids will be begging for a time-out)

Have a look at the before and after diastasis recti pictures from moms like you to see what’s possible.
  What's the difference between investing into your program Vs physiotherapist ?  
Here are the differences:

Visiting your physio:

 - difficulty/ wait-list in finding a specialized physio in DR = delayed start time and golden window.
- travel time to and from regular appointments - babysitter consideration
- physio focuses on rehabilitating your core, and usually once a week, or once every 2 weeks. 
- exercises are repetitive and done at your own time. 
- regular office hours only. 
- minimal support besides scheduled appointment

Joining TW program:

- a structured, customized and holistic program designed to heal your core, get fit and strong
- workouts are done at your own time, and even with your baby around
- all communication are responded in a timely manner, and you have video and chat supports. 
- nutrition component which focuses on your diastasis recti and gut health to accelerate fat-loss and connective tissue building
- a personal approach by Becky and her team to help you stay the course
- fun and engaging work-along exercises so you are not bored
- a community of moms with similar situation as you to lean in and build friendships. 

I recommend you see a physiotherapist specializing in women’s health to do a hands-on diagnosis and internal exam to assess the health of your pelvic floor when necessarily.

I also have a team of women's health physiotherapists in my network and am able to ask your specific questions to them.

Why is it 1 on 1? 
I strongly believe in making the most of one’s time, especially as a busy mom. We can't afford to waste precious moments "figuring out" things we don't even enjoy. In the past, I tried various subscription programs without knowing what I really needed, leading me down the wrong path and a lengthy journey.

That's why I created this unique online program, as there is nothing else like it in the market. Unlike other subscription-based options with time-wasting group calls and generic automated programs, my program is different. We work with you 1 on 1 in between your busy schedule, so you understand how to do the exercise and eat right. 
  Can I claim it under my insurance ?
Becky is a registered Health Coach in Canada. It depends on your group plan. Please check with your group insurance policy if they include Holistic Nutritionists.
 i need my spouse support, he is the breadwinner.
I have much to say, but to keep it brief: Does he truly understand your problems?

Does he grasp the significance of having an ab separation? It's not just belly fat; it can't be fixed with a few sit-ups.

Does he comprehend the impact it has on your life, long-term health, role as a mother, woman, your marriage, and even intimacy?

Simply ask him how he'd feel if people constantly asked when he'd get rid of his belly.

Ask him how he'd feel if he couldn't control his bladder and had to wear pads, or if his back pain prevented him from participating in his children's activities.

Your worth should never be downplayed because he's the breadwinner. If he loves you, he should do anything to make you happy, just as he vowed on your wedding day.

You are worthy. Invite him to the call and show him this page.

CTV Newschannel - Maternal Mental Health

Here's to your success with a flat belly and in your best shape!

Becky Choi

Registered Health & Nutrition Counselor™
Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
Tummy Warrior Postnatal Fitness Inc.

The best way to find out if our Tummy Warrior Coaching Program is a perfect fit for you is to simply book a FREE Strategy Call with me so we can discuss your needs, answer any questions you may have and give you all the details about how we can finally heal your core and live pain and leak free.
Sound good?

Cheers to the beautiful you,

Becky Choi

Registered Health & Nutrition Counselor™
Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
Tummy Warrior Postnatal Fitness Inc.

The best way to find out if the Tummy Warrior Coaching Program is right for you is to simply book a free strategy call so we can discuss your needs, answer any questions you may have and give you all the details about how we can finally heal your core and fit into your beautiful clothes!

Becky Choi | Tummy Warrior Postnatal Fitness Inc. - All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2024